Venice to get Amazon Distribution Center
There is a lot of talk surrounding one of RIPA's newest projects which will be the future home of the Amazon Distribution Center in Venice, Florida. RIPA is currently working under an accelerated schedule for the General Contractor, Ryan Companies, in order to have the site ready by August 2020. Fox 13 news covered the story here!
Venice to get Amazon Distribution Center
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Venice to get Amazon Distribution Center

Venice to get Amazon Distribution Center

There is a lot of talk surrounding one of RIPA's newest projects which will be the future home of the Amazon Distribution Center in Venice, Florida. RIPA is currently working under an accelerated schedule for the General Contractor, Ryan Companies, in order to have the site ready by August 2020. Fox 13 news covered the story here!

There is a lot of excitement surrounding one of RIPA’s newest projects which will be the future home of the Amazon Distribution Center in Venice, Florida. RIPA is currently working under an accelerated schedule for the General Contractor, Ryan Companies, in order to have the site ready by August 2020. Fox 13 news covered the story here!

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