RIPA’s Rapid Growth Prompts FAST 50 Awards
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RIPA’s Rapid Growth Prompts FAST 50 Awards

RIPA & Associates continues to demonstrate its solid business performance by placing in the Top Ten in two major categories of the Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Fast 50 awards. RIPA & Associates was ranked #2 overall for total ‘Revenue Growth’ over the 2 year period from 2012 to 2014. RIPA’s total revenue of $169.75 million in 2014 was an increase of over $106 million from their 2012 revenue.


RIPA also took the #9 slot for ‘Percentage of growth in revenue’ during the same two year period. They grew their total sales from almost $63 million in 2012 to over $169 million in 2014. An increase of 169.72%!

Chris LaFace graciously accepted the awards on RIPA’s behalf during a luncheon ceremony in July of this year.

See results below:

RIPA #2 Revenue Increase          RIPA #9 Percentage Increase